IMPORTANT! Porpoise detectors lost!
More recently, in the maritime area of the Słowiński National Park porpoise hydroacoustic detectors called C-POD’s were spaced. However, due to recent storms some of these devices, along with anchor sets have been broken and lost. Some of these elements were washed up on the beach within the Park area.
If you find on the beach one of the wanted objects: a detector or one of the buoys, please contact us by phone: + 48 59 81 17 204 or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Porpoise detectors have an inscription on the cover: „Słowiński Park Narodowy POLAND tel. + 48 59 81 17 204”. We suspect that elements of the set could have been lifted even over considerable distances from the boundaries of the Park. Below are enclosed pictures of the lost items.