Dead seals



Two dead seals were washed up on the beach within the Słowiński National Park on 8th and 9th of June. They were two young gray seals from this year's litter, with a body length of 95 cm and 100 cm. Dead animals were on the beach at a distance of about 2 m away from the maximum range of the wave in the vicinity of 202 and 212 km of seashore. Seals were in a state of profound decay, missing fragments of fur and snouts. One of the seals has probably been shot or stabbed with a sharp tool. There were two holes, ventral and dorsal, on the body. None of the seal has been entangled in fishing nets, and there were no such elements in the vicinity. The experts from the Marine Station of the Institute of Oceanography in Hel have been informed about the incidents.





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