Project co-financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014



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Completion of the project

13-06-2017 Hits:970 Małgorzata Lange

Completion of the project

On 30 April 2017, the project” “Protection of the habitats of a grey seal (Halichoerus carp), and a porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the area of the Słowiński National Park” was...

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Seminars for school children

13-06-2017 Hits:930 Małgorzata Lange

Seminars for school children

Within the extension of the project” “Protection of the habitats of a grey seal (Halichoerus carp), and a porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the area of the Słowiński National Park”, we...

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Seminars for school children

11-01-2017 Hits:944 Małgorzata Lange

Seminars for school children

Within the implementation of the project” “Protection of the habitats of a grey seal (Halichoerus carp), and a porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the area of the Słowiński National Park”, we...

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Extended duration of the project

11-01-2017 Hits:983 Małgorzata Lange

Extended duration of the project

The project “Protection of the habitats of a grey seal (Halichoerus carp), and a porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the area of the Słowiński National Park” co-funded from the EEA Financial...

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Conference closing the project

30-11-2016 Hits:1081 Małgorzata Lange

Conference closing the project

The conference closing the project was held on 24-25 November 2016 in Jastrzębia Góra. "Protecting the habitat of grey seal (Halichoerus CARP), and harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the area...

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Continuous monitoring of marine mammals – detectors service.

08-10-2016 Hits:1137 Małgorzata Lange

Continuous monitoring of marine mammals – detectors service.

Within the monitoring of marine mammals, we serviced hydroacoustic detectors, so-called C-POD, on 8 September 2016, due to favourable weather. The services involved the replacement of batteries and memory cards...

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Releasing seals

14-06-2016 Hits:1113 K. Wrzecionkowski

Releasing seals

At the end of May, four grey seals were transferred to the Baltic Sea. They were born in the seal aquarium of the Institute of Oceanography in the Faculty of...

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The control and maintenance of detectors

14-06-2016 Hits:1213 K. Wrzecionkowski

The control and maintenance of detectors

Having the safety measures in mind, the Director issued a ban on fishing in the area of Słowiński National Park, two weeks after releasing the seals. During the second day...

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Boat cleaning and C-POD March service

14-03-2016 Hits:1137 K. Wrzecionkowski

Boat cleaning and C-POD March service

In early March, before the start of the season, we had taken the boat into the boat trailer in order to clean the hull below the waterline. After a few...

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C-POD’s service

15-01-2016 Hits:1131 K. Wrzecionkowski

C-POD’s service

Even before the end of the year we conducted the service of hydroacoustic detectors so-called C-PODS, and we’ve evaluated the equipment losses as a result of storms.The work at sea...

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IMPORTANT! Porpoise detectors lost!

27-10-2015 Hits:1200 L. Schiefelbein

IMPORTANT! Porpoise detectors lost!

More recently, in the maritime area of the Słowiński National Park porpoise hydroacoustic detectors called C-POD’s were spaced. However, due to recent storms some of these devices, along with anchor...

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Detection of harbor porpoises

27-10-2015 Hits:1286 L. Schiefelbein

Detection of harbor porpoises

In the maritime area of the Słowiński National Park the hydro-acoustic porpoise monitoring system has been already operating. The monitoring is done by means of hydro-acoustic detectors, i.e. C-PODS. They...

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Work at sea

11-09-2015 Hits:1169 L. Schiefelbein

Work at sea

Recently, we started working at sea using boats purchased in the project. So far, we made several trips during which we fulfilled the tasks set up in the project. One...

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Seal observation

05-08-2015 Hits:1753 L. Schiefelbein

Seal observation

The turn of July and August was full of observations of seals on the beaches of the Słowiński National Park. The first observation concerned the seal tracks that were observed...

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The observation of the ringed seal

24-07-2015 Hits:1188 L. Schiefelbein

The observation of the ringed seal

Between 14-15th of July we recorded a few observations of marine mammals, including ringed seals at the beach in the Słowiński National Park. The first observation took place on July...

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Dead seals

11-06-2015 Hits:1114 L. Schiefelbein

Dead seals

Two dead seals were washed up on the beach within the Słowiński National Park on 8th and 9th of June. They were two young gray seals from this year's litter...

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Seal observation

08-06-2015 Hits:1239 L. Schiefelbein

Seal observation

On the 3 of June 2015, during the beach patrol, a floating seal was observed. The sighting took place in the early hours of the morning, at an altitude of...

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Action: the release of seals into the Baltic Sea

01-06-2015 Hits:1261 L. Schiefelbein

Action: the release of seals into the Baltic Sea

On 28 May three young gray seals named Nord, Natka and Neptunwere released into the Baltic Sea at the beach in Czołpino in the Słowinski National Park. The releasing seals...

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